Pathways to Fluency: Cultural Survival Through Language Revitalization
Facilitating strategies for community language restoration and revitalization

Pathways to Fluency brought together 85 Native communities, 17 Indigenous language visionaries and researchers, MacArthur award winners, philanthropic organizations, and government agencies to discuss strategic directions for community-led language revitalization. Language loss threatens cultural survival and educational equity. Working together, language visionaries and communities created Pathways on a Language Landscape: A Blueprint for Native Language Revitalization to support communities in mapping a pathway to language revitalization that is right for them.
“We are designing our own plan using the steps shared by the language visionaries.” –Attendee
“The most valuable part of the conference was realizing how we are all working toward the same goals, but just getting there may be in different ways, to different degrees, but how the planning practices are the same!” –Attendee
“New tools, but most importantly, new frameworks!” – Attendee
“Everyone was so open about their experiences in their communities about language. It was like everyone had been waiting for this opportunity to convene and discuss language revitalization with such humanity and shared passion. I think this aspect of the gathering will be sending people back home with renewed energy and ideas.” — Attendee
For more information, please visit http://culturalresourcefund.org.